Creamy Mushrooms on Toast
23rd March 2023
1 Portion
15 mins
Mushrooms are one of my favourite ingredients, and here is one delicious way I enjoy them!
* 1 Tsp Vegetable Oil
* 6 Chestnut Mushrooms, roughly diced
* 1 Garlic Clove, crushed
* 1 Spring Onion, finely sliced
* A large handful of spinach
* 1 Tbsp Cream Cheese Spread
* x2 Slices of Sourdough Toast (or your favourite type of bread!)
* Optional: A Sprinkle of Chilli Flakes, 1/2 an avocado.
1. Toast your bread.
2. Add the vegetable oil to a sauce pan and put on a medium-high heat. Once hot, add the mushrooms.
3. Once the mushrooms have softened and started to brown, add the garlic and onion. Cook until the pan ingredients are soft and golden.
4. Take the pan off the heat, and quickly add the cream cheese and spinach and mix well - the residual heat should melt the cheese and wilt the spinach without burning anything!
5. You are ready to serve and enjoy - I love it with some avocado and chilli flakes!