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Spiced Pumpkin Muffins

31st October 2021


~24 Mini Muffins


40 mins

A delicious and warming Autumnal muffin!

My Tip: Cut greaseproof paper into squares larger than your muffin tin holes, and push them down in each hole to make your own muffin cases. Use a little butter in each hole before butter the paper in to help them stick.


* 225g plain flour
* 2 tsp baking powder
* 2 tsp cinnamon
* 1 tsp nutmeg
* 150g light brown sugar
* 200g pumpkin purée
* 2 eggs
* 125g melted salted butter
* 1cm fresh ginger, finely grated
* 2 tsp vanilla extract
* 125g raisins
* A handful of flaked almonds
* 1 tbsp honey or maple syrup


1. Preheat the over to 180degreesC and prepare your muffin tin(s).

2. Sieve the flour, baking powder, cinnamon & nutmeg into a bowl. Then stir through the sugar.

3. In a separate bowl, combine the pumpkin purée, eggs, butter, ginger & vanilla.

4. Combine the wet and dry ingredients and the raisins - make sure there are no pockets of flour left but also do not overbeat it!

5. Add the mixture evenly into your prepare baking tins. Top with the flaked almonds. Put in the oven and bake for ~18 to 20 minutes, until the tops are golden and a skewer comes out clean.

6. Heat the honey/ syrup. Poke a couple of small holes with a skewer into the tops of the muffins. Pour the honey/ syrup over the muffins.

7. They are ready to enjoy!

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