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vibrant beetroot burgers

03 August 2020


5 Patties


1 hour

A vibrant beetroot pattie in a brioche bun with greens. Perfect served with a potato salad.

My Tip: If you have other vegetables around the house which need using, it is delicious to add them (such as adding courgettes or carrots in when you roast the beetroot, or grate them in before blending!)


* 2-3 Raw Beetroots (depending on size)
* 2 Tsp Smoked Paprika
* 1 Tsp Cumin
* 1 Tsp Coriander
* 3 Tbsp Vegetable oil
* 400g Tinned Chickpeas
* 1 Red Onion
* 2 Garlic Gloves
* 1 Tbsp Sriracha
* 1 Tbsp Tahini
* 1 Tbsp Honey
* 1 Lime (Zested and Juiced)

* Nuts & seeds of your choice (l like sesame and pumpkin) to add texture.

* 5 Brioche Buns
* 2 Avocados
* 1 Lime
* A handful of fresh coriander


1. Preheat the oven to 180degreesC.

2. Peel and roughly chop the beetroot into 1cm chunks. Add the paprika, cumin, coriander and 1 tbsp of oil. Roast in the oven for 25-30 minutes or until soft and cooked all the way through.

3. Dice the onion and crush the garlic. Add to a frying pan with a drizzle of the vegetable oil. Cook on a medium heat until soft and translucent. Remove from the heat and place in a mixing bowl.

4. Take the beetroot out of the oven. Add to a blender. Drain the chickpeas and add to the blender with the flour, sriracha, tahini, honey and lime. Blitz until smooth.

5. Add the beetroot mixture to the onions.

6. Chop your nuts if large and then toast. Add to the beetroot and onion mixture.

7. Stir everything together well and season with salt and pepper to taste.

8. Dust your work surface with flour and form the mixture into 5 round shaped patties.

9. Heat a frying pan to a medium-high heat with the remainder of the oil.

10. Cook the burgers for approximately 5 minutes on each side, until they are crispy on the outside and piping hot all the way through!

11. Toast a brioche bun on the frying pan.

12. Serve with lettuce, avocado, fresh coriander and a squeeze of lime juice.

13. Enjoy with garden salad or a potato salad on the side. Enjoy!

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