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Nutrition is an evolving science both in what we know and the way we practice and is something that Emilia loves to continue to learn and write about. These evidence-based blogs are a great place to read more about nutrition and discover sustainable simple ways to help support our overall health and happiness.

Jun 23, 2022
keeping hydrated this summer
Did you know, that an adult human body is ~60% water! Keeping hydrated is important to maintain good health, this includes the prevention...

Mar 5, 2022
eating disorder awareness
It is Eating Disorder Awareness Week which is all about raising our awareness of eating disorders and supporting an increase in education...

Feb 23, 2022
how can what we eat affect the planet?
More and more we are hearing about the impact our dietary patterns can have on the planet, but what does this actually mean? Well, let’s...

Feb 3, 2022
advice for following a balanced, sustainable plant-based diet
1. Consider your deficiencies 2. Eat the Rainbow 3. Include plant-based protein sources. 4. Plan and prep! By having a variety of foods,...

Feb 3, 2022
the effect of movement as we age
We have a population which is growing and living to an older age, so how can we contribute to health in those years? One way which the...

Feb 3, 2022
probiotics and eczema
As someone who has always had eczema, having the opportunity to write this blog with Sian Shepherd, Registered Dietitian, for Symprove...

Feb 3, 2022
management of diverticular disease
Take home messages Diverticular disease is very common as we go older and often causes no problems at all. Any new symptoms of pain or...

Feb 3, 2022
movement and gut health
This relationship is not simple, for example, other factors from our environment, stress, diet, and more, all also influence the make-up...

Feb 3, 2022
how much iron?
Common things I get asked are "should I supplement iron?" or "can I get enough iron on a plant-based diet", and I often hear comments...

Dec 15, 2021
winter diets: supporting our immune system
Excited to share a new blog I have written for Rhitrition all about supporting our immune systems. There is lots of talk surrounding how...

Aug 19, 2021
how screen time affects our appetite
I am very excited to share this latest blog post I've written for Rhitrition on screen time and appetite. It was such an interesting...

Jul 2, 2021
next step on my journey - last msc exam!
It feels very surreal to be writing this, but I have finished the final exam of my MSc! It was a 30hour stats exam, running from July...
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